


Good Habits

a person with good habits is respected in his society.

with good habits, one cane tackle any obstacles that may come to their life .

healthy habits makes a person dutiful and accountable.

good habits develop good character in a person

. going to bed early, always being on time, reading good books are some of the healthy habits we should develop .


What are habits?

habits are daily behaviours or rituals that we do daily in our life

the actions that we do repeatedly habits can be positive or negative both it depends on you which one you are going to choose habits effect your daily lifestyle.


Regular exercise – regular exercise is must be there in your life

, physical activity prevents diseases like diabetes, heart problems, and more

u can workout daily u can go gym or u cam also do it at home

something as simple walking and getting your steps in can make huge impact on your health. 
u can try these things for being active;

try to go on a walk daily for at least 10 to 15 minutes.

share your goals with others and make a new goal after achieving an goal


Join gym

try to eat fresh always and healthy because our health depends on our diet that we take in a day

adding fruits and vegetables in diet or make a flexible diet 

drinking water – drinking water is must be  very essential habit  according to studies when we go for a sleep our body got dehydrated while sleeping and when we drink water just after waking up helps us in getting re hydrated it regulates the temperature of the body.

you can try these tips if u wants to make this a daily habit

1- you can add a reminder to your phone for drinking water which will reminds you after some time 

2- leave a glass of water or a bottle besides you so when you woke up you can drink it just after waking up.

3 brings a water bottle or a siper with you always.

meditation – meditation is kind of exercise for mental peace 

how to do meditation 

sit quietly and comfortably focus on your mind and breathing and notice your inhale and axhale try to quiet your mind fort sometime don,t give too much pressure on your self and simply practice breathing,

meditation is the simplest way to promote calmness in body 

learn something new – keeping yourself busy and mind active with productive information can make a huge impact on your mental health by being selective with the content that you intake daily and diverting your attention energy into something that you enjoy and find exciting will not only reserve.

 connection with loved ones – family and friends are must be there with us always

family and friends act likes a emotional support to us, that we  need to understand, spending time family and friends reduces depression anxiety and other mental issues spend some quality time with them.

time management – in today’s scenario generally peoples does not have enough time

time management is the art of balancing priorities to make the most of every moment.

 by managing time properly

we can achieve our goals in less time and achieve them wisely mastering to time management leads to less stress

time management is like a skill which  we have to learn.

playing games – playing games can be a fun and outdoor  games helps us in getting active it provides a next level strength to our body and increase stamina yes it cause tiredness but it is obvious playing different types of spurts boost our mood and provide relaxation by playing games we get social with other persons also 

playing puzzle games such as chess improves our mind power such kind of strategy type games helps us to maximise benefits.

All this are some good habits which are must be there in our routine.

what are the difference between habits and routine?

the main difference between a habit and a routine is awareness.

both are regular, repeated actions, but while habits run on autopilot 
habit happens with a no conscious thoughtfor

example going gym is an habit of someone –  in starting as a beginner he doesn’t like to go gym but he continues it for some week or months regularly

he made it a routine and now he started progressing and now that routine has became his habits automatically now no one have to force him to go gym because he already make it an habit,

when we start doing something at our daily basis it becomes our routine and slowly slowly it starts becoming our habit 

how to maintain a habit?

1- make it a part of your schedule – it can be easy for new positive habits to fall by the wayside when you don’t do them regularly.

when we have a lot on our plate life can get in the way of habits building to avoid this make your new habits part of your schedule

2- create a supportive environment – surround yourself with life minded people who have similar goals

we greatly influenced by what others are doing the environment in your friend circle matter a lot being around with minded peoples encourages a lot 

building good habits is an initiation to grow,  it is one of the main pillars of personal growth. 

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